Sunday 20 October 2013

Canada is Beautiful: The Further Adventures of Steph et al.

Last weekend was the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. Everyone on site came together contributing various dishes for a big thanksgiving dinner party. Afterwards we played an entertaining game in the main house living room. It involved everyone writing the name of a famous person down, and then taking turns to guess which person had written each famous person. If you were guessed correctly you joined teams with the guesser in question. The winner was the person who ultimately amassed all the players without being guessed themselves. It resulted in great hilarity, numerous people being God, the names of every Disney/ Harry Potter character under the sun, a strange being called 'the Cat' and me being Gandalf, Jack Sparrow and the Phantom of the Opera in quick succession ( I wonder what that says about me!?).

Thanksgiving is a chance to spend good time with family and eat a lot of turkeys. But it is also a time to reflect on all that God has blessed us with. In light of this, I've decided that I wont bother to write much this week but just share some of the wonderful vistas I've had the pleasure of experiencing during my adventurous weekends.

The ferry from Galiano Island, where we went on a getting-to-know-each-other-better adventure.

A tantalising view through the fog on Bodega Ridge, Galiano Island

Sunshine and Rain

Sunset from White Rock

An evening view to the mountains from White Rock

Fish and chips! The view was free.

Sundown at White Rock

Far over the misty mountains...

The ferry to Bowen Island.

My excited-about-mountains face.

Drinking in the peace.

Adventure to the lighthouse, Bowen Island

On the edge.

Where to now?

More beautiful Bowen Island

Looking up...

Killarney Lake, Bowen Island

The thinker...

Killarney Lake.

Snow on the mountains just before sunset...
 Hope you enjoyed!

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